Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So Lawson now likes to climb onto and into all kinds of things…

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Big Guy Shoes and Home Made Yum

Just a little note here on life in Indiana. It’s getting cold. It’s about to be gorgeous with all the leaves falling. We’re still pretty desperate for work but school is going well. Naomi’s loving kindergarten and all the new friends and experiences there; Carly’s loving mommy life and lots of time with Lawson; and I get a free New York Times every day of the week. We’ve recently implemented a “movie night” Friday due to a great program at our local Blockbuster wherein we bring in a church program to secure any movie of our choice in the family section. It’s rad. We don’t have cable so it’s a good way to relax on a weekly basis. The Friday night festivities now include home made pizza which Carly just learned how to make (which is really incredible), and popcorn during the movie. Below are some pictures of the Little guy in shoes for the first time, the aforementioned hand crafted pizza and one very ridiculous chocolate fudge cake with butter cream frosting and chocolate ganache glaze. It literally fed our family and every person we know in our neighborhood (which is 5 different families). After all that giveaway I still feasted on cake for like 4 days solid afterward.


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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Strange Baby

So Lawson LOVES lemons. Seriously, we gave him a taste expecting him to make a funny baby face, and this is what happened....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I hate Blogger!

All I have to say is that I suck at blogging! I spend FOREVER trying to get my entries lined up the way that I want, and I preview it a million times. Then I post it and it looks like garbage, and it's all messed up. I'm sorry to express my anger this way, but I just finished publishing the messed up post below and I'm very irritated!

Rockford Trip

In June, my mom flew up to Indiana and then drove with me and the kids up to Rockford, IL. We had a great time visiting with family and were especially excited to see Nolan, my new nephew. Sadly, Jamie was not able to make the trip with us.

This picture is of Naomi and Lawson with their new baby cousin Nolan. Notice Lawson and Nolan's closeness in height. Lawson is 7 months and Nolan is 2 months.

You can only imagine how excited Naomi was to hold this little guy.

Here is Lawson at the hotel sitting in his pillow fort, happy as always.

My brother Sean's school choir made these cute floral crowns for a fundraiser, so Grandma Copeland made sure to get one for Naomi.

My dad is asleep in the background; pretty much anytime he sits down in that chair, he falls asleep.

Here is my brother, Chip, practicing his uncle skills.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I know this is an old lady thing to do, but we have some great flowers that's all I'm sayin. The peach/pinkish ones that stand real tall here, I love those. We just have some great colors. Naomi picked the little pink cluster right in front, and when we planted them like 2 months ago there were only like 4. You can still see the remnants of some little red ones we had right in front of those if you look close. Our neighbors puppies got hungry on em. Anyway, I'm pretty sure we have the coolest little front area in the.......... area. Again with the old lady here, but we've also been having some fantastic weather: Some of the mildest summer days with nice cool breezes I've ever experienced. It rains enough to keep in lush and beautiful, but the sun comes out all the time too. I think it's pretty perfect. Thats all.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


So for all of you who do not know, we use cloth diapers, and it works out really well for us. Cloth diapers are not what they used to be, and if anyone does any research you will find that there are all kinds of fancy and adorable cloth diapers out there. Those fancy, adorable ones are also crazy expensive. We are talking $15 to $25 per diaper! We just use prefolds and covers and we love them, but we have recently decided to become more exclusive cloth diaper users. Meaning cloth diapering at night and using them in the diaper bag. When you get into night time and diaper bag usage, that is when those fancy fitted and all in one diapers are really appealing, but still really expensive. I can double diaper Lawson at night, and it works, but it's quite bulky. Prefolds also work in the diaper bag, but trying to get it folded and in the cover on a fold out diaper station in a walmart bathroom, while trying to keep Lawson from rolling off is a little nerve racking. Here enters my recent obsession with learning how to make my own fancy diapers. I made my first one out of a lavender colored flannel pillow case and an old white T-shirt. It turned out alright; it's functional and reasonably cute, but girly. I made my second one last night out of one of Jamie's old Williams-Sonoma shirts, a plain white T and the other flannel pillow case, and behold, my very own adorable fitted cloth diaper! Did I mention that I don't really know how to sew.

Diaper Photo Shoot

Here he is in the diaper I made; isn't he so adorable?

Lawson's Crawling!

Lawson has been making his way around the floor for a while now, but finally started crawling forward about a week ago. He is so much fun, and we can't believe how fast he's growing. He's interested in everything except for his toys; the book shelf is his favorite, followed by the movies. Also, check out my cute diaper.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Here is a Video

Farmer's Market Fountain

We're hittin up the farmer's market on Saturday's now. They have this little fountain thing for the kids to cool off in. It's pretty gross, so kids love it.

Happy Crib / Signature Sound

This video is special to us cause we've been trying to capture this thing that he does for a while now. It's his signature sound, but every time he's doing it we grab the camera and start recording and he takes that as his cue to stop making his sound. We love the way he purses his little mouth to make the sound it's so funny. Anyway, we finally captured it, and now you can see this crazy sound our son loves to make.

Lawson's First First Swim of the Summer

So we all got to go to a fun little pool place due to our neighbor's birthday party, and that means Lawson got to get all dressed up for his first swim!! He was the cutest swimmer in town in his little baby swimsuit, and his mommy was the cutest mommy swimmer too. The last picture I took of Carly and after I saw it I realized I would be horrified if someone took a picture of me that close up in that much sunlight. Some people don't have to fear the camera I guess.

Naomi's First Swim of the Summer!

Naomi had the opportunity to swim at her friend Asiya's birthday party, and had a great time. She has shown some improvement at overcoming her fear of the water so far this summer, but that doesn't mean she didn't still scream at the top of her lungs right into Jamie's ear a couple of times if his grip loosened the tiniest bit. She was pretty confident by the end though.
Here in the bottom picture we have Naomi (in the words of Jim Crocker) "constipating very hard".

Teething Relief / The Tark

Lawson still hasn't cut any teeth, but he does need some soothing relief every once in a while, so here he is chewing on a wet washcloth. He held onto this rag for about an hour. The last picture is what we call his pirate smile.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Animal Baby Magnetism

The top picture is early stage Boston Creme Cupcakes!! Ya baby. I didn't get a shot of the finished product before they made their way into my BELLY!!! After that we have captured an impromptu drawing session. She instinctively knows you have to look silly to make fine art.

Resident Gardener

Naomi also got some gardening gear from mimi for her birthday, so here she is helping us get our garden started. Unfortunately, not much has happened since, but it will.

More from Mimi

Naomi on her new bike! She is becoming such a good bike rider.

Mimi's visits

Just us girls nursing our babies... Naomi's already a pro.

My mom came to visit us in January and then again in April, so here are a few pictures from her