Thursday, July 16, 2009


So for all of you who do not know, we use cloth diapers, and it works out really well for us. Cloth diapers are not what they used to be, and if anyone does any research you will find that there are all kinds of fancy and adorable cloth diapers out there. Those fancy, adorable ones are also crazy expensive. We are talking $15 to $25 per diaper! We just use prefolds and covers and we love them, but we have recently decided to become more exclusive cloth diaper users. Meaning cloth diapering at night and using them in the diaper bag. When you get into night time and diaper bag usage, that is when those fancy fitted and all in one diapers are really appealing, but still really expensive. I can double diaper Lawson at night, and it works, but it's quite bulky. Prefolds also work in the diaper bag, but trying to get it folded and in the cover on a fold out diaper station in a walmart bathroom, while trying to keep Lawson from rolling off is a little nerve racking. Here enters my recent obsession with learning how to make my own fancy diapers. I made my first one out of a lavender colored flannel pillow case and an old white T-shirt. It turned out alright; it's functional and reasonably cute, but girly. I made my second one last night out of one of Jamie's old Williams-Sonoma shirts, a plain white T and the other flannel pillow case, and behold, my very own adorable fitted cloth diaper! Did I mention that I don't really know how to sew.


Derek and Amanda said...

May I just say you are very impressive! Nice work Carly.
So where is pictures of your new hair?

Lori said...

I'm very impressed! How long did it take to make that diaper? A couple of hours at least, right? But good job! And the baby is so adorable! I really, really, really want to come see him! (and you guys, of course).

Linda (Mom, Gramma, Aunt) said...

That is wicked brilliant. I think you will have to change your line to I have no formal sewing training because you definately can sew.

Betty Brackett said...

VERY nice, Carly! You should patent your design and start a you'd sell a bazillion of them...

And the little guy is just precious...looks and sounds completely huggable.

jpalin said...

That is so cute, and a great way to represent the good old WS haha