Thursday, August 6, 2009

I hate Blogger!

All I have to say is that I suck at blogging! I spend FOREVER trying to get my entries lined up the way that I want, and I preview it a million times. Then I post it and it looks like garbage, and it's all messed up. I'm sorry to express my anger this way, but I just finished publishing the messed up post below and I'm very irritated!


The McPherson Clan--- said...

Wow, anger issues.

We want pictures of Naomi's first day of school, PRONTO!

Devyn said...

Have you tried putting your pictures in first, then typing around them? chelsea taught me that, works like a charm for me.

janine said...

do you have a mac or pc? if you have a pc, download windows live writer for free online. it will change your blogging life!!!!!! there is nothing to rival it for mac though. sigh.

it is like microsoft word for blogging. you can change your fonts, adjust photo sizes, and pictures take a FRACTION of the time to download. trust me.

Carly said...

Janine, I don't know you, this is Carly, but Thank You! I might actually start blogging more if it can be easier.