Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So Lawson now likes to climb onto and into all kinds of things…

Halloween and other cute stuff 051

Halloween and other cute stuff 052

Halloween and other cute stuff 054 

Halloween and other cute stuff 055

Halloween and other cute stuff 007


sircrocksalot said...

Ugh, the dishwasher! It drives me nuts when the kids climb on it! He is getting so big and cute! I cant believe how long it has been! Im so excited that Cory can go visit you guys and fingers crossed Logan too. As much as I miss you guys, I know Logan and Naomi need to see each other... but its my turn next!

Linda (Mom, Gramma, Aunt) said...

The climbing stage is so fun. I think I have a picture of each of the boys craawling into a laundry basket. He is such a cutey pie. Congrats on the job Jamie :) Jordan is having those same issues in Ehraim Ut. He and Sammi have been looking since August. Glad school (except math) is going so well.

Betty Brackett said...

So so cute....the sweetest stage of all....also the busiest :)

annie said...

he is getting so big! too cute!

Lori said...

He is so precious! Can't wait to see all of you in December. He and Jane will have so much fun together. Naomi's almost a teenager, right? Seems like I haven't seen her in that long...