Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Kids

Here are the kids watching Naomi's new favorite movie, Jumanji.


Devyn said...

I'm actually shocked that Naomi watches Jumanji.
I hate it when guys hold babies like that, balancing babies is not cool.
Baby voices are one of the best sounds in the world, ever.

The McPherson Clan--- said...

They are so stinking awesomely cute! It's so fun to see them together. It makes me even sadder that we all live so far away from each other. Love XOXO

Linda (Mom, Gramma, Aunt) said...

Glad to hear your are liking Indiana. Lawson is just adorable, love the sweater and the talking. Baby voices are the best thing ever, I agree with Devyn. Naomi looks like she has settled right in, that's great. Thanx for the update :)

Jeremy and Sarah said...

Ok, your kids are adorable. I can not believe how big Lawson is. This comment is for Devyn and Mom-Terry did that to all the boys and Jeremy does that as well. It is completely safe...unless they fall. Lawson looks like he is doing better at it then Joshua. I am so glad to hear that you guys got there safe and are settling in. Keep us all updated.

sircrocksalot said...

Caden is still constantly asking for "Slasson and Carly". He gets so excited to see the pictures of everyone. I cant get on the computer without him asking to see pictures. Its so funny! He is getting sooooo big! And your place looks super cute by the way!

Lori said...

He's so big! Oh my gosh, he's like a totally different baby than when we saw him last, and it's only been a month and a half. So stinking cute, though! And you're right - Naomi looks little when she's holding him. He's a chunky monkey. The sweater your mom made is awesome - she's amazing! And your place does look cute - what I could see of it. We need more picture of it. Give the kids kisses for me - I miss you guys! Love you.