Sunday, February 15, 2009

Awesome Lawson


ash said...

Cutest baby boy ever! That baby cooing is so sweet!

Jeremy and Sarah said...

He is just so dang cute. It is so amazing to see pure joy on their faces.

Chelsea said...

Love all the new posts. And oh my gosh! I can't believe Lawson's getting so big already! Seems like you just had him!! I must say the Naomi ball is the most awesome thing ever! We must try that with Cora. I'm dying to see more of your house. It looks adorable from what I can see, not that I expected anything less. You must take us on a virtual tour through blog world.

The McPherson Clan--- said...

I am literally dying at the cuteness of the baby boy! He just looks (and sounds) so happy, it makes me super sad to be so far away. I just want to squeeze the baby!!!!

sircrocksalot said...

Caden made me either give him a bath or see Lawson and his comments are "Mommy, baby so cute, Slawson!"