Thursday, June 26, 2008

Freddy Ritta!!!

The guy really saved us. We would have had only family photo memory capture were it not for the creative stylings of one Alfredo Ritta and his super huge borrowed camera. Here he is doin some magic. I'll also say that he's had to expend all the energy and $ to make sure we see one another during these last few years, cause I'm buss pass poor, and I'm very grateful for it. At every phase of my life, there too, has been Freddy Ritta. He's the best.


Betty Brackett said...

A good friend is a neat that you acknowledge him...a real plus that he's a good photographer too...

bigritta said...

still not buying a ticket to lameianda.

Derek and Amanda said...

Ok, Jamie, where AM I?

Devyn said...

I don't even remember a time before Fred. How weird is that?