Monday, June 30, 2008

It's a Boy!

I don't know I think it's pretty funny. Look at what the arrow is pointing to.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Show me exuberant male cheerleeder!!!

Freddy took the photo's. He had a lot to work with. Naomi and Logan were dripping with enthusiasm, as they are prone to do when shown any source of light in the shade of lime. Here's Logan throwin down some boy moves.

All too happy to be exploited

Some of us just need a muse ya know? To do great art like this, she draws strenght from various sources, but mainly just a vain ambition to be paid much attention to. I'm not down-playin the contributions of the the props though, they play a big part.

The Fro Effect!!!

Nobody rocks the fro like Maddy. This will give many of you, who did not have the super rad experience of first hand witnessing, an idea of the true out-of-controllness of the fro situation. Do enjoy.

Caden Rhone Zoned

So when Freddy was here he got some interesting pictures of the kids. Caden didn't sell himself to the camera in the same shameful way that Naomi and Logan did, but he came out looking pretty interesting anyway..... mostly zoned out and cute.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Freddy Ritta!!!

The guy really saved us. We would have had only family photo memory capture were it not for the creative stylings of one Alfredo Ritta and his super huge borrowed camera. Here he is doin some magic. I'll also say that he's had to expend all the energy and $ to make sure we see one another during these last few years, cause I'm buss pass poor, and I'm very grateful for it. At every phase of my life, there too, has been Freddy Ritta. He's the best.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

We go in late December

And I start skoo in January. Also that building festering with ivy is an Indiana University Library. And the tiny one is some other part of the university. 

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

True Story!!

I don't know what's wrong with me. The greatest band in the world comes out with a new album, way back in December, and I wait till yesterday to download songs from it. So great is the musical supremacy of the mighty Radiohead, so complete the humble deference of all other creative entities that my i-pod literally refused to play any other music today. I'm not kidding, every single time I tried to play another song it skipped to one of the 3 Radiohead songs I had downloaded. If my i-pod is broken, it's broken in the coolest and most enlightened way imaginable. I downloaded "House of Cards, Nude, & Reckoner," ............holy cuss word expletive perfection. Radiohead reigns supreme and everyone should bask in it. 

Friday, June 13, 2008


It's almost as good as BYU, and almost as cheap....... and it's still a top ten undergraduate business program. We're very excited. All the intellectual dress code!!! It really is the best school I applied to, and Bloomington lies almost exactly half way between Carly's parents (who reside in Georgia and Illinois). Also, Carly's really good friend Amanda lives about an hour away so we're positioned well, you know, geographically. So on a deadly serious note, PRAY for us people. This is going to be complicated and we need the providence.