Sunday, May 31, 2009

Here is a Video

Farmer's Market Fountain

We're hittin up the farmer's market on Saturday's now. They have this little fountain thing for the kids to cool off in. It's pretty gross, so kids love it.

Happy Crib / Signature Sound

This video is special to us cause we've been trying to capture this thing that he does for a while now. It's his signature sound, but every time he's doing it we grab the camera and start recording and he takes that as his cue to stop making his sound. We love the way he purses his little mouth to make the sound it's so funny. Anyway, we finally captured it, and now you can see this crazy sound our son loves to make.

Lawson's First First Swim of the Summer

So we all got to go to a fun little pool place due to our neighbor's birthday party, and that means Lawson got to get all dressed up for his first swim!! He was the cutest swimmer in town in his little baby swimsuit, and his mommy was the cutest mommy swimmer too. The last picture I took of Carly and after I saw it I realized I would be horrified if someone took a picture of me that close up in that much sunlight. Some people don't have to fear the camera I guess.

Naomi's First Swim of the Summer!

Naomi had the opportunity to swim at her friend Asiya's birthday party, and had a great time. She has shown some improvement at overcoming her fear of the water so far this summer, but that doesn't mean she didn't still scream at the top of her lungs right into Jamie's ear a couple of times if his grip loosened the tiniest bit. She was pretty confident by the end though.
Here in the bottom picture we have Naomi (in the words of Jim Crocker) "constipating very hard".

Teething Relief / The Tark

Lawson still hasn't cut any teeth, but he does need some soothing relief every once in a while, so here he is chewing on a wet washcloth. He held onto this rag for about an hour. The last picture is what we call his pirate smile.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Animal Baby Magnetism

The top picture is early stage Boston Creme Cupcakes!! Ya baby. I didn't get a shot of the finished product before they made their way into my BELLY!!! After that we have captured an impromptu drawing session. She instinctively knows you have to look silly to make fine art.

Resident Gardener

Naomi also got some gardening gear from mimi for her birthday, so here she is helping us get our garden started. Unfortunately, not much has happened since, but it will.

More from Mimi

Naomi on her new bike! She is becoming such a good bike rider.

Mimi's visits

Just us girls nursing our babies... Naomi's already a pro.

My mom came to visit us in January and then again in April, so here are a few pictures from her

Naomi's Birthday

Naomi's birthday was in March, so we're a little late on the post. She made out like a bandit this year with four parties! One in Rockford, IL, one here, one impromptu one with her friends, and one with her mom in Indianapolis. Here is a picture of Naomi and her friend Aloni and of the cake that I made.

Monday, May 11, 2009

This Picture

Deserves it's own post.